One of our most significant projects was the construction of the shopping mall Primark in Brno. Příchod této značky do Moravy Češi dlouho netrpělivě očekávali, tudíž pro nás bylo důležité odvést kvalitní práci. This brand’s opening in Morava region was something which Czech people had awaited for many years. Thus it was important for us to do good-quality work when creating this store.
We provided all the construction services and also installed the necessary interior elements (railings, test booths, glass partitions).
Portfolio PROJECT DESCRIPTION We successfully realised a project of a photovoltaic system for the Penny market in Roudnice nad Labem by our division SIS Renewables.
Portfolio PROJECT DESCRIPTION Another significant implementation of SIS Systémy company is a project of photovoltaic system for the Drylock H6 warehouse hall, belonging to VGP